Online Bill Pay and Today’s World of Consumer Frustration

I woke up this morning intending to pay two bills that were due. I usually pay my bills online and most of the time it is convenient and I don’t have any problems. But I live in a world ruled by Murphy’s law, and if something is going to happen, it’s going to happen to me. Anyway, so I went on to Comcast’s website intending to pay my bill which is due today and I was redirected to a different site with a different account number and told to re-register my account. So, I went through all the steps to do that and the website then said they couldn’t access my bill. Hmmmmm. So, I tried to call Comcast to ask them about this. After answering 15 different automated questions about the exact nature of my call, I was put on hold for 10 minutes before getting the privilege of actually speaking to someone. The customer service rep was very nice and told me that even though my bill was due today, I wouldn’t have to pay it until the site was back up. Yeah, right. Being suspicious of customer service advice by nature, I asked if I could pay my bill over the phone with the fee waived. He said okay and put me on hold for five minutes. Or maybe it would’ve been more than five minutes if AT&T’s ridiculously bad service hadn’t dropped my call for the 5th time today. So, after a half an hour of internet and automated phone service nagivation, my bill is still not paid and I am frustrated.

So, I decided to regroup my energy and attempt to pay my AT&T wireless bill which is due in two days. Might as well get one thing accomplished today, right? So, I went on their website, plugged in my info and got a screen saying that AT&T is “experiencing a temporary system error that prevents us from retrieving your account information.” AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When did doing something simple like paying your bills become so hard?

I guarantee you that neither one of these companies will be experiencing any system errors when it comes to assessing my late fees for not paying my bills on time! Sigh.

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